The bird that I did was a Pukeko because I like Pukeko's because they are Native to NZ. The other bird that I did was a fantail because fantails aren't scared when you stay still and stay quiet then they will come very close to you and try to eat the seeds at the bottom of your shoe and they are very cute. The colours that I used was light green mixed with dark green for the grass and flax, dark blue and light blue for the sky and water, black for the pukeko, sand colour, black, brown mixed with white and white for the fantail. What I think I did well with my work because I love painting and drawing so I am so lucky to have an art teacher her name is Ms Sands.
It was cool because some teachers tried to make me sell my art to them while I was handing the food out. I really liked handing out the food because some teachers or parents that I know said that I am a good artist. It was a huge success because we had heaps of parents come with their children and look at their art. Their was music in the background but it was played on a piano by Rio, Skye and Lavinia they played different kinds of songs that made people wanna sing and dance.
I think that I did really well with my art and handing out the food because heaps of people said that you will have a huge future. I loved handing out the food because the parents didn't wan't anymore sweets because they said that they are going to get sick or vomit so I handed all the sweets to the children.
I made two pieces of art one of them was train art. the train art is going to be in the train station that is going under and over bridges. The phrase was (If you went on a train were would you like to go) So I wanted to go to the depths of Africa. I did this place because I would want see the lions and the cheetahs chasing each other. Here is my train art for the train art.
Another thing that I made for my art and Inquiry was a sign that shows saving the animals and the pacific ocean and the people on the island. Here is my sign.
Here are the rest of the signs by Hauraki.
Here is my sign.
Here is my train art that is going to the train station.
Here is my painting of the pukeko and the fantail.
I think that I did really well with my art, sign and inquiry because i was on task and I was distracted by my friends sitting next to me. BLOG YOU LATER😋😎.
hi james i'm from yaldhurst i liked it how you told me about your art maybe add more writing but i liked it how inquiry