Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Athletics Rotation
Hi blogging world, James here. Yesterday we had a athletics rotation there were only three sports one of them was long jump the other was high jump and my first favourite out of all of them was sprints. We did the rotation after morning tea when morning tea was over I got mixed up for what we had to do. So I heard the teachers they said to line up in our classes. I was so excited because I was finally doing sprints because I haven't done sprints sense last time we had a athletics rotation.
For the fist stop we went to high jump but first we had warm ups so we can get the hang of the high jump when it comes to when the pole is very high. I was scared that I might fail my first jump because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone in my class. When I went for the fourth one I panicked and jumped over and made but instead of landing on the mat I went further than the mat and fell backwards.
When it was time to rotate again we went to long jump. First we had to know what foot to jump off then we had to see how many steps we can get to the Teacher. How many steps did I get? I got 4 or 5 steps to get to the Teacher. When we were starting to jump we had to be close to get the hold of jumping from short distance. I really liked doing long jump because I got further than everyone else in my class.
When the time went for the last rotation we went to the sprints. I was in the second row with Bruno, Lavinia, Abby, Chimay and faith. I was focused on running as fast as I can to get over the finish line without slowing down and trying not to slip.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Waikowhai Intermediate School
Hi blogging world, James here. Today we had to blog about the show that we went too yesterday. The theme was 'This is Me'. A teacher said there were dances, drama and music that shows celebrating differences, diversity and personalities that are us. There was Kapa Haka, hip hop group (Street cred), 19th Harmony, Band (Midnight souls), Choir (I Tunes), contemporary dance group and the Pacific Island Mix. There were other schools that came to watch the show that Waikowhai Intermediate put on. They were May Road, Halsey Drive, Hillsborough, Marshall Lang and some of the classes from Waikowhai Intermediate. I was so excited because I was running around outside. Our school bussed down to Waikowhai Intermediate that they payed for. In between the items were monologues. Monologue is when one or two people say something about their lives or about the show.

There were 8 monologues. The first one was the rap that a girl from the Kapa Haka sang. The second one was about the Sibling Rivalry by Theo. The third one was about future Jobs by Izzy who used to come to our school last year. The fourth one was the Asian stereotypes said by Borneo. The fifth one was the Tip Toe Walking Girl said by Love Day. The sixth one was about Afghanistan by Safa about changing schools at New Zealand. She also used to come to our school. The seventh one was about a musical by Brook he sang about his life in different musical songs. Then Ms Peach came out and was conducting the song that they rehearsed for like about three terms.
Here is the link to the Waikowhai Intermediate site If you would like to see them go and buy a ticket from the Intermediate then you can see all the awesome groups that has a performance. My favourite part was when the street cred was dancing because they were com-binding other dance moves and putting it into a dance.
Here is the link to my six thinking hats link. Anyway BLOG YOU LATER.
Hi blogging world, James here. Today we had to blog about the show that we went too yesterday. The theme was 'This is Me'. A teacher said there were dances, drama and music that shows celebrating differences, diversity and personalities that are us. There was Kapa Haka, hip hop group (Street cred), 19th Harmony, Band (Midnight souls), Choir (I Tunes), contemporary dance group and the Pacific Island Mix. There were other schools that came to watch the show that Waikowhai Intermediate put on. They were May Road, Halsey Drive, Hillsborough, Marshall Lang and some of the classes from Waikowhai Intermediate. I was so excited because I was running around outside. Our school bussed down to Waikowhai Intermediate that they payed for. In between the items were monologues. Monologue is when one or two people say something about their lives or about the show.

There were 8 monologues. The first one was the rap that a girl from the Kapa Haka sang. The second one was about the Sibling Rivalry by Theo. The third one was about future Jobs by Izzy who used to come to our school last year. The fourth one was the Asian stereotypes said by Borneo. The fifth one was the Tip Toe Walking Girl said by Love Day. The sixth one was about Afghanistan by Safa about changing schools at New Zealand. She also used to come to our school. The seventh one was about a musical by Brook he sang about his life in different musical songs. Then Ms Peach came out and was conducting the song that they rehearsed for like about three terms.
Here is the link to the Waikowhai Intermediate site If you would like to see them go and buy a ticket from the Intermediate then you can see all the awesome groups that has a performance. My favourite part was when the street cred was dancing because they were com-binding other dance moves and putting it into a dance.
Here is the link to my six thinking hats link. Anyway BLOG YOU LATER.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Hi blogging world. James here Last week we went to rugby zones to represent our school called Waikowhai Primary School. We only had 12 players and we only had one team. We played 6 games the whole day. The possession I was a full back and a winger. The props where Tipiloma and Sebastian. The locks where Cassie and Calai. The Hookers where JD and Dazharn. The 1 rower and the second rowers where Richard(Captain) and Emelio. The wingers and centres where Jordan and Torian.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Hi bloggers James here. A few weeks ago a visitor came to our school to tell us that we can all be champions at something. His name was Micheal he and his friend Ned came and told us that everyone can be good at anything. While Michael was telling a story about Ned not coming to our school he used different yo yo's to help him show us what it looked like. We were not excited because we thought that it was all about education and what we can do when we are stuck on something. Michael told us what Ned stands for he said that N stands for never give up, E stands for to encourage others, D stands for do your best. Michael was funny because he made weird noises and do weird dancing moves.
Michael said that we could be champions at anything if we be Ned. Michael wanted us to close our eyes and think of the things that we can be better at in school and put them into our heads so we can remember it. Michael was trying to make us laugh but I didn't laugh until he said if you adjust the yo yo this big you need to see a doctor. Michael told us a story about his friend Ned and himself because he thought that it might be funny to tell us a lie about them going to space and talking to aliens. The juniors actually felt for it and some of them faked laughed because they didn't care about the story they cared about the noises that he made.

I think I did really well listening and learning that anyone can be a champion at anything. I learnt heaps about achieving my goal. I can get better at maths if I do some maths before watching TV or going outside and playing kicks with my brothers.

At the end Michael said that there will be yo yo's up in the office and you can order tomorrow or the next week. All the classes started talking about getting the yo yo's then Ms Sands jumped up and said to give a paki paki to Michael and Ned. When we got back our teacher told us that we only have to get one if we had the paper to order. But I was confused because I really wanted to get the boomerang and I didn't know that we had to get the paper so I brought the money but they said I had to have the paper
I think I did really well listening and learning that anyone can be a champion at anything. I learnt heaps about achieving my goal. I can get better at maths if I do some maths before watching TV or going outside and playing kicks with my brothers.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Hi blogging world James here again. Today we had to post about Interland. What is a Interland? I'm glad you asked Interland is a game that has four islands floating. Interland is a Cyber Smart game that shows you want to do if someone is trying to steal your personal stuff. Also Interland is very good to go to if you want to know if someone sends you something that hurts your feeling.
Kind Kingdom is one of the islands. Kind Kingdom is when you have to climb to the top of the mountain and stop the bullies that are making everyone sad and uncomfortable. Also kind kingdom is when you have to make as much people happy and collect hearts so you can give positive comments to others except for the bullies.
Reality River is one of the other islands. Reality river is when you have to know what to do if someone is trying to trick you by giving them your address and your name. You have to know what to do when someone does something to you and you don't what to do when there is no adult around. Also you have to try not to fall for fake and fall into the river.
Tower of Treasure is when you have to keep your private stuff away from the hacker. You have to try and 6 of phones, cards, mail and messages. Tower of treasure is when you also have to pick a secure password to build the tower back up and choose really good passwords so nobody knows. You also have to avoid crashing into rocks, hills and building.
Mindful Mountain is another island. The message is 'The mountainous town center of Interland is a place where everyone mingles and crosses paths'. The aim was to be very intentional about what you share and with whom.
I think I did really good playing Interland and writing about it . I'm really happy because I really liked playing the game and telling what all four islands do and what to do when it comes to Tower of treasure and Mindful mountain.
Here is the link to the game. Click here
Hi blogging world James here again. Today we had to post about Interland. What is a Interland? I'm glad you asked Interland is a game that has four islands floating. Interland is a Cyber Smart game that shows you want to do if someone is trying to steal your personal stuff. Also Interland is very good to go to if you want to know if someone sends you something that hurts your feeling.
Kind Kingdom is one of the islands. Kind Kingdom is when you have to climb to the top of the mountain and stop the bullies that are making everyone sad and uncomfortable. Also kind kingdom is when you have to make as much people happy and collect hearts so you can give positive comments to others except for the bullies.
Reality River is one of the other islands. Reality river is when you have to know what to do if someone is trying to trick you by giving them your address and your name. You have to know what to do when someone does something to you and you don't what to do when there is no adult around. Also you have to try not to fall for fake and fall into the river.
Tower of Treasure is when you have to keep your private stuff away from the hacker. You have to try and 6 of phones, cards, mail and messages. Tower of treasure is when you also have to pick a secure password to build the tower back up and choose really good passwords so nobody knows. You also have to avoid crashing into rocks, hills and building.
Mindful Mountain is another island. The message is 'The mountainous town center of Interland is a place where everyone mingles and crosses paths'. The aim was to be very intentional about what you share and with whom.
I think I did really good playing Interland and writing about it . I'm really happy because I really liked playing the game and telling what all four islands do and what to do when it comes to Tower of treasure and Mindful mountain.
Here is the link to the game. Click here
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Technology Rotation
Technology Rotation
Hi blogging world. James here. For the past three weeks we have been rotating classes and learning new things every week. In the first week we stayed in our own classes, we got to do the things before the other classes got to experience them.

The Second challenge was the marble challenge with Mr Rattenbury. He gave us a range of everyday school materials. We got to choose our own groups. Then when we got into a group we got all the materials from Mr Rattenbury. Our goal was to hold the marble and see how long you can hold the marble for. We only had 45 minutes to build the structure and try to keep it stable and above the table.

We did this because after all the things that we did in the rotations we have to build something from all the things we learnt. The whole purpose for this rotation was so we have an idea on what to build when it comes to when we build. We had to make something to show to the whole syndicate.
I really liked doing this rotation because I learnt heaps of stuff that I didn't know the first time like l.e.d lights and technology words. I think that we might make something really cool with my group to show the syndicate.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Hi blogging world. In the holidays I went to my dance academy at the Wesley community centre. The academy is always on Thursday at 6.30 but sometimes it starts at 7.00 because we always play some basketball before practising. The academy finishes around 9.30 because we eat pizza after practising hard. The next day was when we had to perform at the fundraiser so we can fund raise for the older boys to go somewhere cool.
Me and my other two brothers went to a gig that had heaps of people singing and dancing to Samoan songs. I was really scared because there were heaps of people waiting for us to come and perform in front of them. I nearly puked because I was getting to excited. I really like dancing because my older two brothers teach us dances that they are going to be doing for someones wedding or birthday and we learn the whole dance in one day.

I think that I did really well with my dance academy because from now on we will be studying our culture and doing our homework. Thanks for reading my blog and what I'm doing in my life.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Improving a comment
Hi blogging world, James here today we had to comment on a buddy's blog then we had to put it into a google drawing that had something telling you how a good comment should have. Then we had to improve the comment that we commented on our partners. We had to make some changes to our comment because some comments are not good because some comments are like 2 - 3 lines long. I made about heaps of changes because it didn't really make sense to me when I read it loud instead of reading in my head. Some bits felt like it didn't make sense to me because some of the sentences were telling a different topic.
After that we had to take a screenshot them put the google drawing onto my blog post. I made my comment better by asking a question and saying what was my favourite part about the topic. I made this change because it sounded boring and it didn't really make sense.

I think that I did really well writing my comment because I really improved. BLOG YOU LATER.
After that we had to take a screenshot them put the google drawing onto my blog post. I made my comment better by asking a question and saying what was my favourite part about the topic. I made this change because it sounded boring and it didn't really make sense.

I think that I did really well writing my comment because I really improved. BLOG YOU LATER.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Waikowhai Art festival
Hi blogging world James here. On Tuesday night parents came to the Waikowhai art festival. There were different arts from different classes including the train art that the year 6's have been doing for 4 sessions with Ms Sands. There was food that was free and a weaving board were anyone can weave it was called Te Waka Art collaborative art. You guys may know that our class did NZ native birds in my other blog post. There were some waiters that were year 6's, one of them was me. I got to give out yummy food only for the Adults and teachers.
The bird that I did was a Pukeko because I like Pukeko's because they are Native to NZ. The other bird that I did was a fantail because fantails aren't scared when you stay still and stay quiet then they will come very close to you and try to eat the seeds at the bottom of your shoe and they are very cute. The colours that I used was light green mixed with dark green for the grass and flax, dark blue and light blue for the sky and water, black for the pukeko, sand colour, black, brown mixed with white and white for the fantail. What I think I did well with my work because I love painting and drawing so I am so lucky to have an art teacher her name is Ms Sands.
It was cool because some teachers tried to make me sell my art to them while I was handing the food out. I really liked handing out the food because some teachers or parents that I know said that I am a good artist. It was a huge success because we had heaps of parents come with their children and look at their art. Their was music in the background but it was played on a piano by Rio, Skye and Lavinia they played different kinds of songs that made people wanna sing and dance.
I think that I did really well with my art and handing out the food because heaps of people said that you will have a huge future. I loved handing out the food because the parents didn't wan't anymore sweets because they said that they are going to get sick or vomit so I handed all the sweets to the children.
I made two pieces of art one of them was train art. the train art is going to be in the train station that is going under and over bridges. The phrase was (If you went on a train were would you like to go) So I wanted to go to the depths of Africa. I did this place because I would want see the lions and the cheetahs chasing each other. Here is my train art for the train art.
Another thing that I made for my art and Inquiry was a sign that shows saving the animals and the pacific ocean and the people on the island. Here is my sign.
Here are the rest of the signs by Hauraki.
Here is my sign.

Here is my train art that is going to the train station.
Here is my painting of the pukeko and the fantail.
I think that I did really well with my art, sign and inquiry because i was on task and I was distracted by my friends sitting next to me. BLOG YOU LATERππ.
The bird that I did was a Pukeko because I like Pukeko's because they are Native to NZ. The other bird that I did was a fantail because fantails aren't scared when you stay still and stay quiet then they will come very close to you and try to eat the seeds at the bottom of your shoe and they are very cute. The colours that I used was light green mixed with dark green for the grass and flax, dark blue and light blue for the sky and water, black for the pukeko, sand colour, black, brown mixed with white and white for the fantail. What I think I did well with my work because I love painting and drawing so I am so lucky to have an art teacher her name is Ms Sands.
It was cool because some teachers tried to make me sell my art to them while I was handing the food out. I really liked handing out the food because some teachers or parents that I know said that I am a good artist. It was a huge success because we had heaps of parents come with their children and look at their art. Their was music in the background but it was played on a piano by Rio, Skye and Lavinia they played different kinds of songs that made people wanna sing and dance.
I think that I did really well with my art and handing out the food because heaps of people said that you will have a huge future. I loved handing out the food because the parents didn't wan't anymore sweets because they said that they are going to get sick or vomit so I handed all the sweets to the children.
I made two pieces of art one of them was train art. the train art is going to be in the train station that is going under and over bridges. The phrase was (If you went on a train were would you like to go) So I wanted to go to the depths of Africa. I did this place because I would want see the lions and the cheetahs chasing each other. Here is my train art for the train art.
Another thing that I made for my art and Inquiry was a sign that shows saving the animals and the pacific ocean and the people on the island. Here is my sign.
Here are the rest of the signs by Hauraki.
Here is my sign.
Here is my train art that is going to the train station.
Here is my painting of the pukeko and the fantail.
I think that I did really well with my art, sign and inquiry because i was on task and I was distracted by my friends sitting next to me. BLOG YOU LATERππ.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Installation art
Hi blogging world Yesterday we had to present a slideshow about what we will be doing for the art show. We are building a house to put all the soft plastic in then we will watch it grow. In the first slide we had to write about the house structure what will we use who will help us why are we doing this and how do we do it. The Third slide we had to write the messages in one slide in one text box. The fourth slide we had to write about what should go into the soft plastic that is white. In the fifth slide we wrote what doesn't go into the white bin named soft plastic. The last slide we had to write about some containers , lunch box, bags and snap box that we can re-use for shopping or eating. Check it out my slideshow.
I liked building the house because i liked the stapling because it was loud and scary at the same time. It was really cool to get to use tools that I don't use at home when I am making a bike for myself or someone else. The people that helped us was Elouna and Leslie that came and helped us build the walls and the roof. I think that making this house was an success because we were working all together.
I think I did well with my slideshow because I put all my effort to make it perfect so I can present it to room 4 and post it on my blog. BLOG YOU LATER.
I liked building the house because i liked the stapling because it was loud and scary at the same time. It was really cool to get to use tools that I don't use at home when I am making a bike for myself or someone else. The people that helped us was Elouna and Leslie that came and helped us build the walls and the roof. I think that making this house was an success because we were working all together.
I think I did well with my slideshow because I put all my effort to make it perfect so I can present it to room 4 and post it on my blog. BLOG YOU LATER.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Hey blogging world, James here. last week we started a art piece of NZ birds. The materials that we used was High School paint not primary school paints because we want our art to be cool for our art show and the other material was the Water strength Cartridge paper. Another material that we used was Chromacryl students acryling. Here are the instructions on how to make the art work.
How the process goes
Step 1) We had to choose a NZ bird to draw onto the the paper.
Step 2) Then we drew it onto the paper but we had to draw it big, "I'm not used to drawing big".
Step 3) After that, we had to draw the habitat of the bird that we choose.
Step 4) Next you choose the colour of the background , because it will be easier to paint.
Step 5) Then go and choose the colours that you want to use for your bird and background.
Step 6) Next you paint the background what ever colour you choose
Step 7) After you do that you will have to let it dry so you can do another coat to make it stand out.
Step 8) Then paint your bird with the paints.
And that's how you make the Art work for your guys art show, But you will have to do all that with an adult , because you might get silly with the paint.
The thing that I liked about my work is the drawing, because I love drawing at school and home and, because the teachers that I've been with are artist and they inspired me to be a better drawer. The thing that I don't like is the painting of my fantail because I made the eye to big and may have put to much black paint on the face of the fantail. Something that I can improve is taking my time on my piece of art so it can look very nice for our art show. What I would like to change is the NZ birds because I wanted to do a NZ hawk but then it was to difficult to draw on a big piece of paper. Something that I would do next time is put more colour into my birds like the feathers and make my background better than before.
My buddy's opinion about my art piece.)
He liked the way that my background was blended from dark to light. My friend said that he did not like the big feet of the Pukeko. Richard said I can improve by adding more detail to my birds flying or sitting on the branch. He said to change the feet and make it a little smaller. My buddy said that next time I could make my painting colourful.
If you are interested in art maybe you could come to Waikowhai Primary School and see all the art work that Waikowhai made in their class rooms. It will be On Tuesday the 26th of June is the opening.

How the process goes
Step 1) We had to choose a NZ bird to draw onto the the paper.
Step 2) Then we drew it onto the paper but we had to draw it big, "I'm not used to drawing big".
Step 3) After that, we had to draw the habitat of the bird that we choose.
Step 4) Next you choose the colour of the background , because it will be easier to paint.
Step 5) Then go and choose the colours that you want to use for your bird and background.
Step 6) Next you paint the background what ever colour you choose
Step 7) After you do that you will have to let it dry so you can do another coat to make it stand out.
Step 8) Then paint your bird with the paints.
And that's how you make the Art work for your guys art show, But you will have to do all that with an adult , because you might get silly with the paint.
The thing that I liked about my work is the drawing, because I love drawing at school and home and, because the teachers that I've been with are artist and they inspired me to be a better drawer. The thing that I don't like is the painting of my fantail because I made the eye to big and may have put to much black paint on the face of the fantail. Something that I can improve is taking my time on my piece of art so it can look very nice for our art show. What I would like to change is the NZ birds because I wanted to do a NZ hawk but then it was to difficult to draw on a big piece of paper. Something that I would do next time is put more colour into my birds like the feathers and make my background better than before.
My buddy's opinion about my art piece.)
He liked the way that my background was blended from dark to light. My friend said that he did not like the big feet of the Pukeko. Richard said I can improve by adding more detail to my birds flying or sitting on the branch. He said to change the feet and make it a little smaller. My buddy said that next time I could make my painting colourful.
If you are interested in art maybe you could come to Waikowhai Primary School and see all the art work that Waikowhai made in their class rooms. It will be On Tuesday the 26th of June is the opening.

I think that I did really well with the construction because I was involved in nearly everything. I liked stapling the wood together for the walls. BLOG YOU LATER.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Talofa blogging world, Last week the seniors went on a trip to a Island to learn about the endangered animals. It took about 1 hour to get to the Island because we had to stop at the Hauraki golf to pick up some supporters and guides to take us on a tour around the Island to look for endangered animals. We even got to go on a fairy to the Hauraki golf and to the Island and we got to buy food on the fairy. Something I learnt was when ever Maori's see a Nikau tree they think they are home. Another thing that I learnt was that they had a memorial tree of the birds that had died, and were remembered by the supporters and volunteers. I liked the part when we went on a treasure hunt with our guides and our job was to find little finger puppets.
I saw heaps of tuis and fantails while walking around the Island looking for animals that were our list. We had 14 groups and all the groups had the same list of birds to look for some groups didn't find a white head bird. Other groups did find a white head you have to be quite if you want to find a white head because they are very shy when people are loud because they think that they are going to hunt them. My favourite part was when we came back to Auckland and sleeping in the bus on the way back to school. Something that I didn't like about the trip was when we were coming back, the fairy was going up and down and everyone stood up and screamed then they woke me up. My opinion is that this trip was cool because at the end of the day when we came back to the fairy we got to see the yellow eyed penguins.
Here is a link of the site, where I got all the information from.
One of the groups that were joined together.

I thought the trip was really really cool because I learnt heaps more about tuis and Kereru (NZ pigeon).
I saw heaps of tuis and fantails while walking around the Island looking for animals that were our list. We had 14 groups and all the groups had the same list of birds to look for some groups didn't find a white head bird. Other groups did find a white head you have to be quite if you want to find a white head because they are very shy when people are loud because they think that they are going to hunt them. My favourite part was when we came back to Auckland and sleeping in the bus on the way back to school. Something that I didn't like about the trip was when we were coming back, the fairy was going up and down and everyone stood up and screamed then they woke me up. My opinion is that this trip was cool because at the end of the day when we came back to the fairy we got to see the yellow eyed penguins.
Here is a link of the site, where I got all the information from.
One of the groups that were joined together.
I thought the trip was really really cool because I learnt heaps more about tuis and Kereru (NZ pigeon).
Friday, May 25, 2018
Emoji Art
Hi bloggers, Yesterday we did a emoji doc about what kinds of emotions we might use in a situation. We had to think of emotions that we already know in alphabetical order then when we got one in each we had to add more from the internet. We only had 5 minutes to start then the we had to finish it the next day. When my emotions doc was finished we went on a site named Tagul word art we had to insert our words onto the Tagul. Then you will have to choose an emoji like a demon, angel, chilled, crying, dead, sleeping emojis and much more that you could choose. Next you will have to choose a font to make your emoji standout with the colours you pick. Then you can change the layout of your emoji to make it better when you can put the words everywhere inside of your emoji you choose.
Then you can choose the colours you would like to use for your emoji and you choose a background for your emoji. When you are finished you would see a button that says visualise when you press it will load then it will show up with what you picked from those four things. After that you are finished then you can play around with it when you think you got the hang of it. Have a look at my emotions document. We did this because so we can ask people for help when you are emotional and if you are feeling like you want to punch something or someone but instead you tell how you feel and can get some help.
This is my emoji that I made on word art.
I made two emojis one chilled and one is a
dead looking emoji.
Here is my emoji document of different emotions
you can use in a situation.
Then you can choose the colours you would like to use for your emoji and you choose a background for your emoji. When you are finished you would see a button that says visualise when you press it will load then it will show up with what you picked from those four things. After that you are finished then you can play around with it when you think you got the hang of it. Have a look at my emotions document. We did this because so we can ask people for help when you are emotional and if you are feeling like you want to punch something or someone but instead you tell how you feel and can get some help.
This is my emoji that I made on word art.
I made two emojis one chilled and one is a
dead looking emoji.
Here is my emoji document of different emotions
you can use in a situation.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Des Hunt Visits Waikowhai Primary
Today, Des Hunt came to Waikowhai Primary School with his wife Lynne . He told us about his life and he told us about his family background. He showed us an explosion because he made a fire torch look cool. He is one of the famous authors who writes stories for children in primary to Intermediate. Des Hunts books include action, adventure and science to make his books interesting for the children. He showed us some physics with chemicals to make caps blow up into the air. Another thing he showed us a Magic fly stick, a Magic fly stick makes a piece of plastic fly in the air but in stead of it touching the Magic fly stick it tries to go away from it. His presentation was cool because he used to have a cat but then he accidentally ran it over by his car.
My favourite part of the presentation was when the balloon exploded. It was my favourite part because he was winding it up and he was moving away from it exploding in his face, When it exploded it gave everyone a huge fright and it scattered on the floor and on Des Hunt. I think that it was important because it was relating to the book because he said eels grow but cats don't.
Now that I have seen the presentation I think I am going to read more of the Des Hunt books because I like action books and adventure books. Another thing I could do is order a book online to read at home and school in my own time. I am going to think of questions to ask him on his website and go to local library's to find some Des Hunt books to take home and read.
My favourite part of the presentation was when the balloon exploded. It was my favourite part because he was winding it up and he was moving away from it exploding in his face, When it exploded it gave everyone a huge fright and it scattered on the floor and on Des Hunt. I think that it was important because it was relating to the book because he said eels grow but cats don't.
Now that I have seen the presentation I think I am going to read more of the Des Hunt books because I like action books and adventure books. Another thing I could do is order a book online to read at home and school in my own time. I am going to think of questions to ask him on his website and go to local library's to find some Des Hunt books to take home and read.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Syndicate Treaty
Hi bloggers James here. Last few weeks we all had to choose a rule from our syndicate Treaty and we had to make in a google drawing to show what the rule is all about. I was the first one to finish because we did lots of things in the middle block until lunch. It was so cool because a teacher from room Manukau showed me shortcuts to make my google drawing. As I was talking about music from my other blogs that music makes me work fast and sometimes when I am not listening to music I still finish my work on time to go out to morning tea or lunch play.
I think that I did well doing my work because I always get it finish before lunch play and morning tea, And this part of my goal as well for my Key comp goal. BLOG YOU LATER.
I think that I did well doing my work because I always get it finish before lunch play and morning tea, And this part of my goal as well for my Key comp goal. BLOG YOU LATER.
Te Reo Maori
Hi bloggers James again. Last week for Te Reo Maori we had to write the days and date in Maori up to the 30th of April. Then after that we had to do Autumn colours around or inside the boxes. When I was finished I kept on asking Mrs Peterson to listen to music but then I had to make it pretty so I can be finished before morning tea. I was so happy to do this because this would be one of my favourite work doing in Te Reo Maori this whole term. I really like doing this because we get to put colours and we get to listen to music the whole time working.
I think I did well doing this because I really like writing in different language. It was part of my goal as well managing myself while working. Music makes me work faster so I can show my teacher.BLOG YOU LATER.
Cyber-smart session
Hi bloggers James here. Two or three weeks ago for cyber-smart we had to make a google drawing about what we are going to look forward too. It only took me one session of cyber-smart because I sat by myself so I can get it finished before lunch play. Only the year sixes got to do that while the year fives were doing cyber-smart with Gerhard and I think James not me it's cyber-smart James. It was fun doing that because we got to listen to music as well that's why I got all my work done so I don't have to do it at lunch time. I was looking forward to only three things through out this year.

I think that I did well finishing my work in one session and My key comp goal was to manage myself by sitting by myself to get all my work finished. BLOG YOU LATER.
I think that I did well finishing my work in one session and My key comp goal was to manage myself by sitting by myself to get all my work finished. BLOG YOU LATER.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Learning about easter
Learn about Jesus on Easter
Talofa lava bloggers, James here. This Easter I learnt about respecting our parents so we can have a great time while living in this beautiful world. I learnt that Jesus died on good Friday and he came back alive on Easter Sunday. The second Thing I learnt was that if you be naughty then you will not get a big Easter egg for Easter. During the weekend on Sunday after church we did a practice about Jesus and we made up a simple dance but some moves I got most of them wrong in front of other churches. I learnt that Easter is a joyful spring festival which celebrates the rebirth of Jesus. This Easter I learnt about respecting our parents so we can have a great time while living in this beautiful world.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
This week we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog. The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences. After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues helped you come to this conclusion.
1. dirty, slippery
2.posts shaped has a h
3.holes dug into the ground
4. injures to the head or nose
5. celebrating on it
6. sliding through posts
Friday, March 2, 2018
Swimming at Cameron pools and school pool
Hi bloggers James here, at the start of the first term we went swimming at Cameron pools and we practised streamline, floating on our back, floating on my front, backstroke and freestyle . The first week we Practised entering the pool safely by not making any splashes and we did some freestyle as well. I learnt that when we are in the ocean and we can't touch the ground you always need to wear a life jacket when ever you go on a boat in case you fall out and the boat sinks. I am really good at freestyle and backstroke but last year I always struggled with my backstroke and freestyle but this year I am getting better and better at backstroke and freestyle. Now my 3rd favourite thing is to do freestyle at Cameron pools and at school. I only missed swimming once but the other times I would always bring my togs and tell my teacher in the morning.
This is my swimming group and Richard is a good listener.
Another swimming group about to freestyle back to the end.
snorkelling on the deep side.
Diving into the pool on the side of the pool.
This is my swimming group and Richard is a good listener.
Another swimming group about to freestyle back to the end.
snorkelling on the deep side.
Diving into the pool on the side of the pool.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Welcome to 2018
Welcome back to 2018 blogging it is week three. last Wednesday we had to write about the Kawa of Care and how to look after a Chromebook and signing the Kawa of Care. We got to use different google apps like google drawings, google slides to make an animation and an Infographic to pick a rule and we had to make a DLO (Digital learning object).

This is my DLO about the Kawa of care.

This is my DLO about the Kawa of care.
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