Hi blogging world James here again. Today we had to post about Interland. What is a Interland? I'm glad you asked Interland is a game that has four islands floating. Interland is a Cyber Smart game that shows you want to do if someone is trying to steal your personal stuff. Also Interland is very good to go to if you want to know if someone sends you something that hurts your feeling.
Kind Kingdom is one of the islands. Kind Kingdom is when you have to climb to the top of the mountain and stop the bullies that are making everyone sad and uncomfortable. Also kind kingdom is when you have to make as much people happy and collect hearts so you can give positive comments to others except for the bullies.
Reality River is one of the other islands. Reality river is when you have to know what to do if someone is trying to trick you by giving them your address and your name. You have to know what to do when someone does something to you and you don't what to do when there is no adult around. Also you have to try not to fall for fake and fall into the river.
Tower of Treasure is when you have to keep your private stuff away from the hacker. You have to try and 6 of phones, cards, mail and messages. Tower of treasure is when you also have to pick a secure password to build the tower back up and choose really good passwords so nobody knows. You also have to avoid crashing into rocks, hills and building.
Mindful Mountain is another island. The message is 'The mountainous town center of Interland is a place where everyone mingles and crosses paths'. The aim was to be very intentional about what you share and with whom.
I think I did really good playing Interland and writing about it . I'm really happy because I really liked playing the game and telling what all four islands do and what to do when it comes to Tower of treasure and Mindful mountain.
Here is the link to the game. Click here
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Technology Rotation
Technology Rotation
Hi blogging world. James here. For the past three weeks we have been rotating classes and learning new things every week. In the first week we stayed in our own classes, we got to do the things before the other classes got to experience them.

The Second challenge was the marble challenge with Mr Rattenbury. He gave us a range of everyday school materials. We got to choose our own groups. Then when we got into a group we got all the materials from Mr Rattenbury. Our goal was to hold the marble and see how long you can hold the marble for. We only had 45 minutes to build the structure and try to keep it stable and above the table.

We did this because after all the things that we did in the rotations we have to build something from all the things we learnt. The whole purpose for this rotation was so we have an idea on what to build when it comes to when we build. We had to make something to show to the whole syndicate.
I really liked doing this rotation because I learnt heaps of stuff that I didn't know the first time like l.e.d lights and technology words. I think that we might make something really cool with my group to show the syndicate.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Hi blogging world. In the holidays I went to my dance academy at the Wesley community centre. The academy is always on Thursday at 6.30 but sometimes it starts at 7.00 because we always play some basketball before practising. The academy finishes around 9.30 because we eat pizza after practising hard. The next day was when we had to perform at the fundraiser so we can fund raise for the older boys to go somewhere cool.
Me and my other two brothers went to a gig that had heaps of people singing and dancing to Samoan songs. I was really scared because there were heaps of people waiting for us to come and perform in front of them. I nearly puked because I was getting to excited. I really like dancing because my older two brothers teach us dances that they are going to be doing for someones wedding or birthday and we learn the whole dance in one day.

I think that I did really well with my dance academy because from now on we will be studying our culture and doing our homework. Thanks for reading my blog and what I'm doing in my life.
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