Crazy science show
Hi bloggers, today we went to a crazy science show. The people that came to our school his name was Richard and a lady called Robyn . The part that I liked the most was the bubbles, the thinnest object in the whole world seen by the human eye. Did you also know that the rainbow colours you can see in bubbles happen because 2 surfaces trap water then reflect and refract the light. The other one that I liked was the physics paper lifts when air is blown across the curve because of air pressure, It is like working a aeroplane. The other one that I liked was the physics, fast moving air pushes up while gravity pulls down. Another fact is about Nappies, inside nappies is a powder chemical the powder is called polymer which turns liquid into solid. All plastic is polymer.I learnt that science can be fun because science can have tricks and plastic is polymer. I wonder if I can study tricks and science. It was amazing watching him doing tricks while doing science.
Hi bloggers yesterday we did pepehas for Te Reo Maori. We had to write where we lived, who are our siblings, grandparents , parents and our name. We had to draw tukutuku patterns for a border for the outside. The only colours we were allowed to use were dark colours but the colours that we weren't allowed to use were bright colours like pink. The colours that I used were black, orange, brown, green and red. We did this for 5 weeks because we went to camp for a holiday in the middle of it all. The drawing was challenging because we had to make it the same size and it had to be straight. The writing was a success because I wrote it big so you or somebody else could read it clearly. Fell free to leave a comment BLOG YOU LATER.
Hi bloggers last week we went to camp at Mount Ruapehu. On the first day we went to Hamilton Gardens and do a activity to find different gardens to win chocolate. My group came second, for runners up, so we got chocolate as well. After the school we went to The National Park hotel and sorted out our rooms. When we found our rooms we unpacked our ski gear for the next day. We went to dinner, for dinner we had lasagna, rice, potato salad. When we went to the mountain I learnt how to ski and to stop. On the second to last day I went up to Rock Garden, because I was getting good at turning and stopping. Rock garden was so steep I nearly fell off the cliff! It was so cool going down the mountain and turning side to side to get to the bottom. When I was skiing I went down the mountain I fell on my butt, but it was fun. It was challenging when I was trying to stop, sometimes I couldn't because I was going too fast. What was my success was going down and staying on my feet. I really like skiing I wish was going back because I want to ski for the rest of my life! Leave a comment.